This is a very relaxing position that offers a sense of well-being. It resonates in many different ways, as is true for many asanas, when investigated carefully. One day in class I asked each person to tell us how they experienced the baby pose after having repeated it several times. It was an illuminating experience for all of us because almost every person had a different reaction to the pose.
This led me to realize how differently each one of us relates to a pose and what little thought is given to the diversity that can be found while doing the same pose! It is fascinating to adventure into this kind of investigation.
Here are some of the observations that were made:
-Resting one’s body on the earth is reassuring.
-There is a sense of bowing reverently to the earth.
– By enfolding oneself into this position, a meditative state comes about naturally.
-This position has a double quality: embracing (the earth) implies a component of acceptance of the self.
-There is a reminiscence of being in the safety of the womb: covered and protected by the uterus.
– A great benefit is felt by those who have painful spinal curvatures. Due to the passive lengthening and opening movement of the spinal column, an overwhelming sense of relief is experienced.
– All of the above, led to profound relaxation.
The shape of this position is reminiscent of a snail, a shell, or even an ear: it is a form that is found universally creating a resonance without necessitating a definite definition.
Although most people greatly enjoy this position and find it beneficial and relaxing, there is a minority that do not find it particularly pleasant.
In gratitude,