Yesterday I received a wonderful surprise in the mail. It was a calendar for 2015 with the most inviting photos of Yoga in action. Every month featured a person dressed in normal clothes doing a Yoga position in their work place. From where did Anna and Wolfi get such an inspired idea?
It is truly Yoga working even at work!
Each photo reveals a reality of someone like you and me demonstrating how even a few minutes of practice done in their work place is improving their lives. There is no need to change clothes nor use a Yoga mat.
Each page of the calendar is a reminder and an invitation to just do it.
The story continues and gets even better. This inspired idea came about not only to encourage us all to practice, anywhere and anytime – even for a few minutes – but equally important, it was created to raise funds for the creation of a hospice center which is badly needed in East Suffolk (located about two hours from London). All profits from this calendar will be divulged to the hospice building fund.
What an original idea it could be for you to give a calendar as a Christmas present or simply to choose a photo to remind yourself that “the moment is now”.
Calendars or photos may be purchased by using the shop tab on http://www.stephenwolfendenphotography.com/otheritems.html
In gratitude,