The wonderful school and home to many children who might very easily
be living on the streets or worse, if they had not had the opportunity
to be sent to Ramana’s Garden in Rishikesh, India, was the subject of
my post on May 24. We were very impressed by the beautiful
surroundings, the serenity and joy of the children and the important
work carried on by the volunteers.
I donated a meager amount to this trust-worthy organization
(http:sayyesnow.org/donate/make-a-donation-2/ ) and was amazed to
receive a letter of thanks a few days ago from Tyagen Scott Attaway,
Vice President and General Counsel for Ramana’s Garden. It surprised
me that even my modest contribution could make such a difference.
Here is an excerpt of the letter I received:
“Your support is very much appreciated, and brightens the lives of
Ramana’s children in India by funding their housing, food, education,
and medical care. Your selfless gift will serve to provide a place
where these special children can feel loved and secure, thereby
helping each of them to continue creating a positive future for
themselves. None of the directors or officers is paid for his or her
services. We have no monthly overhead, and minimize all other
unavoidable expenses, which have comprised approximately 2.5%of
contributions from inception in 2005 through the end of 2012.”
His letter led me to a realization: Something that I considered small
(my contribution), is actually big when viewed from a different
prospective (the possibilities it can provide in India).
Please consider making a contribution, remembering that your “small”
adds up to something big.
His letter ends with this quote: “We make a living by what we get; we
make a life by what we give.” Sir Winston Churchill